What is going on here?

by Ted Graham,
published on

Welcome.  I'm Ted Graham, and this site combines two of my favorite topics: Money and Software.  I'm a developer, software consultant, entrepreneur and active investor.

Inspired by www.AndrewTobias.com and www.JoelOnSoftware.com, I use this site to describe my professional and financial adventures, hopefully including some useful information along the way.

As a college junior, with $18k in student debt and no money, my uncle loaned me a copy of Bogle on Mutual Funds, which was the first investing book to make my reading list.  Bogle compelling lays out the case for indexing, and that was the sum of my investing worldview for the next several years.

Since then, I've read countless financial books and gradually moved some of my investments away from indexing.  In future posts, I'll explain why.